Cassandra Miller, USA, $150


1 in stock



As a mother of a black man, the fear I feel when my son goes out In this country is overwhelming and panic-inducing. When I saw the George Floyd video, one of the things that broke my soul in half was hearing him call for his mother. I created this piece as a rib cage breaking and contorting, with George Floyd’s words “Mama, I can’t breathe.”
This is a coil pot- a rib cage with lungs and the words “Mama, I can’t breathe.” I used recycled clay and various texturizing and glazing techniques. I am the mother of a black man. Watching the George Floyd video was entirely heartbreaking to me, as he called out for his mother. All of my fears were realized in that video. This work was a bit of therapy to me and to express my rage and grief, to show that we all want to be respected, and that black men deserve so much more than our society allows at the moment.


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